It really did happen....
To my dissmay the LA Times seems to be the only new organization running the story about President Bush's desire to produce new nuclear weapons. I found this on the House Armed Services Committee webpage
3:30pm - 2237 Rayburn (Judiciary Committee) - Open
The Strategic Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on future plans for the Department of Energy’s nuclear weapons complex infrastructure. No audio available. Chairman Everett statement: (pdf)
Dr. David Overskei, Chairman, Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB), Nuclear Weapons Complex Infrastructure Task Force (pdf)
Mr. Peter Stockton, Project on Government Oversight (pdf)
Mr. Tom D’Agostino, Deputy Administrator, Defense Programs, National Nuclear Security Administration (pdf)
Mr. Charles Anderson, Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy (pdf)
I urge all of you to take action in preventing this proposal from making its way into law. Write your Representative: and Senators:
I don't want to know what life in a world where a nation needs to produce 125 Nuclear weapons per year to defend itself.
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