Friday, March 31, 2006

Germany Starts Chipping Away at Mountain of Electronic Junk | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 30.03.2006

Germany Starts Chipping Away at Mountain of Electronic Junk Germany Deutsche Welle 30.03.2006

As of Friday, Germans could no longer just throw their old phones, computers or coffee makers in the trashcan out back. A new recycling system for
electronics has been kicked off and manufacturers are getting the bill.

Think about it...everyday there are better, faster, smaller, more fashionable cellphones, tv, computers, camera, printers, blenders, toasters, and anything else manufacturers can thrown at us....they encourage us to buy new and toss out the old, overflowwing our landfills and polluting our environment all in the sake of higher proffits. (thats not to mention the fact that some products are designed to break or malfunction after a set period of time) I think the Germans are on to somethings, its about time to make them share the wealth.


At 5:02 PM, Blogger changeseeker said...

The 70 million computers now piled up in our U.S. landfills are seeping 350 million pounds of lead, 2 million pounds of cadmium, and 400,000 pounds of mercury into the groundwater. Yum! Bottled water, anyone? (Assuming the bottled water isn't laced with the stuff, too, that is.)


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