Saturday, April 01, 2006

Shantytown, USA

We often assume that Illegal Immigrants live 6 to a room in beat up apartments, on the other side of the tracks. As NPR's Weekend Editions Reports, this is not always the case. Listen to this: NPR: A Shantytown in the Shadow of Luxury .

Imagine leaving your home, your family, your friends, in search of a better life. Imagine treking through jungle (not only Mexicans corss the border so so Salvadorians, Guetamalans and othr Central Americans) and desert, risking your life, for a better life. A life where you will work from sun up to sun down for $5 or $6 and hour, you will live in a make-shift hut, without water or electricity. Imagine if this life was actually better than what you left behind.


At 5:08 PM, Blogger changeseeker said...

Actually, most pickers get paid by the bushel (or bag or some measurement like that), so they may make even less than minimum wage...


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